Black and white stylized logo reading Bluescreening.

Train Training

Good evening, gay people in my computer. It's been a couple of days since I last made a blog entry. I completely forgot to yesterday to be honest - the whole day was a writeoff. Thanks, female biology. But today was great!

I took the train to Oxford. It was the first time I'd ever taken a train by myself, and also the first time I'd ever been to Didcot Parkway and Oxford stations. So it was pretty much a nightmare for me. But you know what? I managed it! Even if Didcot Parkway has literally no right to be that big and confusing. Or maybe I''m just thick. Anyway, I made it to Oxford safely for a look around my college. It's really nice! You can only really see the old bits online but there's a bunch of really nice modern buildings behind the scenes. The people were amazing too. Lots of potential friends, lots of people I feel like I can really get along with. There was nobody who I think I couldn't get along with to be honest. I think we're going to be a lovely community. A small one too - there are only 450 undergrads at my college.

Lots of these interactions are very unfamiliar for me. Just walking up to people and starting conversations is terrifying but I'm glad I did as I now know a bunch more people who I'll be studying with, including people who are likely to end up in my tutorials. It all seems a lot more real to me now. I also got the chance to go to the Natural History Museum again. It's free, and I think it's gonna end up being a real safe space for me next year.

I'm super tired and running out of things to write so I think I'll leave it there, so see ya when I see ya.

- Blue

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